Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's a horse in a car!

Up early again, but this time there were only a few of us on the bus. We stood on busy roadbridge looking over to Mount Kinabalu but luckily we could see the top this time. We saw the 'sea gypsys' with their houses on stilts. Back on the bus we went to the largest market in Sabah and smelt jack fruit. If I smell it again, it would be too soon. They also had ants nests for sale, apparently used for chinese medicine. We visited a honey bee farm where I held the bees. We were given protective hats but ironically my hat had a huge hole in it so I think it defeated the object. We tastes raw honey which was 'interesting'. I didn't like honey before, and it didn't change my mind.

We drove to a modern long house where families live with all of their extended family together, all working together. They have zinc roofs which is incredibly hot and every house had a satelite dish. One home also had 'merry christmas' above the door. Only a few months early. We then drove to a traditional longhouse of the Rungus tribe. Their longhouses are made of bamboo with a leaf roof. We had lunch sat on bamboo furniture of banana flowers, rice, curry and tiny banana's.

Next stop was the tip of borneo, just like lands end but this version was where the south china sea meet the Sulu sea. The philippines was only 44 miles away, closer than where our hotel is based. It took 2.5 hours to dive back, jumping up and down over the numerous bridges. We looked out for horses stood up in the back of pick up trucks (they don't have horse boxes, they just are strapped in). Oh the joy when we saw one.

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