Sunday, June 20, 2010

Whale watching and hypothermia

What an eggy shower! Ali also came out with the line at ‘breakfast, lunch and dinners are really resembling each other aren’t they’? We eat out every other day and breakfast, lunch and dinner of bread, cheese, salami and crisps are getting a bit monotonous.

We drove to Dettifoss on the worst brown road we have been on. We had 30km of bumps but then we got to the amazing waterfall, it was so powerfull. We drove through the national park, past craters and then we finally got off of the brown road. We drove around the headland to Husavik and then to the whale museum which was kinda gory as it started with whaling. The museum was full of whale skeltons. We had lunch overlooking the mountains and then drove t our closed hotel where we abandoned the car and walked to our whale watching tool. Ali wore a protective suit and off we went on a scooner that was previously used for cod fishing but as it uses sail, it was no longer needed. The water was crystal clear but choppy.

We followed minke whales, dolphins, puffins but it was so so so cold. We had hot choclate with the capitains rum in it and a cinemon roll that warmed me from the inside and then walked back to the hotel. Today we had 4 beds, they are getting bigger and bigger.

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