Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mosquito nets at the ready

Tiny room, tiny shower and then breakfast in toy town. It’s the quantist place I have ever seen in my life, nestled between 2 fjords. We drove back over the mountain pass, through the frozen lakes, and then drove to lake Myvatn. We drove to Mount Krafla, through a power station and walked around the caldera while Ali still hobbled along. At Leirhnjuker we walked across moss covered lava that smelt absolutely disgusting as the flies were insistant in going in our mouths. They are addicted to oxygen, and addicted to annoying me so I insisted we the mosquito nets.

We drove to Hvergall – a tephra crater on such a bad road that we couldn’t get to the top , next time  At Dimmuborgir we got to test out our mosquito nets and walked through the lava formations left over when the lake drained. The pseudocraters were amazing, so were the flies that swarmed the car and us. We stayed in Hotel Edna, a series of houses with a much bigger room but back to the sulphur showers.

We visited Myvatn natural baths, had another naked shower, and they say that the smell of eggs goes away. It sooooo doesn’t ! We walked to dinner in our mosquito nets and went bird watching in a picture perfect sunset, still smelling of sulphur.

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