Sunday, June 13, 2010

First time on the wrong side

Ali’s worst nightmare was realised in the morning, a shower curtain! We had a breakfast gorge and then took the bus to the airport. We found a stalker who followed us from the door, onto the plane (complete with following us to arrivals to get a sandwich) and then stalked us all the way onto the flight. The thing I love about airports is the perfume shop, and thanks to the delay we had hours of it.

Ali described the surprise trip and then we had a delay, then another delay, then the board said ‘final call’ and one minute later ‘closed’. We all ran to the gate and then watched everyone else running to the gate after us, to be greated by news of a mistake.

We boarded the plane eventually, and as usual, the person in front of me put their seat back and crushed my knees. We picked up our hire car with only 22 miles on the clock and drove into Reykjavik, the first time Ali has driven on the other side of the road, with the steering wheel on the wrong side. I also learned the knack of navigating by the first four letters of road signs only, it’s impossible to remember the whole word!

We stayed at Dolmus guest house and had a walk for dinner, pizza, very Icelandic  All the buildings were so unique and it’s the least bustling capital city I’ve ever seen. Back by 9, we shut the curtains and it was as light with the curtains drawn, as it was without. Thus started 12 nights of no dark at nightime. Eye masks at the ready.

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