Saturday, September 12, 2009

12&13th September 2009 – Do you have flu? Yes or No!

Our adventure actually started on the 11th with a very rushed drive to Bristol, to drop off 2 rats, one of which had an operation a few days earlier and couldn’t go to the person who was looking after them. Bit stressful, but oh it didn’t end there. After leaving Bristol coach station, we then had the worry of whether we were going to get there in time so every traffic jam made our faces drop even more. But, we made it, on time! Hooray, but our gladness was short lived when we were told that as we were on a group booking, only two of us were allowed to sit together! But our mums met for the first time in Heathrow airport!.

I’m a nightmare on planes, we were supposed to sleep as we would arrive in the morning, but that would mean that I would have missed out on 3 films so sleeping was out the window (I later regretted this decision). When we arrived in China, we weren’t allowed off the plane and were handed health questionnaires asking – have you got cold symptoms? Who would write yes!!!! We were greeted into China with a whole entourage of people wearing masks, nice welcome!

Due to visa requirements, we also had to line up in visa order number, almost 50 of us! Luckily, I was number one (of course!) However, that did mean that when we went through baggage claim, I had to hold up a sign saying Lillian (our tour guide), who was visa number 49! This of course meant that everyone then decided to ask me questions about the trip.

We had a long drive into the centre of Shanghai, a city of 3000 sky scrapers! It also ha the highest building in the world. We went straight to see the jade bhudda but everyone was so sleepy that I really couldn’t say anything about it. We had some relax time but I’m not one to sleep in the daytime so I went for walk with mum (always eventful as she was wearing her complimentary slippers that didn’t come with her when we were walking around as it got jammed in the floor and sent her flying. But that wasn’t the eventful bit, mum thought it would be a good idea to go shopping so out we went, took our lives in our own hands by crossing 6 lanes of traffic to then go the wrong way! Funnily enough, we were the only westerners doing this.

Dinner was a family style 10 person table with a lazy susan, and chopsticks. After dinner we went to the coffee juice for ice creams and snow pear juice (never to be drunk again, it was horrid). Our guide in Shanghai was ‘fun fun’, or mini vica as mum and I called her.

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