Saturday, July 23, 2005

Wear your PG's in public :)

It is traditional in Hungary to go out in public in PG's, well to me it is after the 2nd time a hungarian friend wore PG's outside. This time was Gabi taking me to the trolley bus stop in PG's :) The morning was spent in Gellert spa which I haven't been to since 2001, sheer bliss apart from the cold bath that I went into up to my thighs and then ran out of :)

As all travellers know, McDonalds and Burger King are great places to spend a penny and as I was coming out I stood at the bottom of the stairs as a lady passed and I was all ready with my Szivesen...and she said merci. I was so disappointed :)

Our first trip turned out to be the whole days trip. We had planned to go to Szententre and then to cog railway but in the end we did neither and went to the castle district to an exhibition by moon-catchi (actually spelt Munkacsy), highly recommended exhibition.

After the exhibition it was lunchtime (around 5pm) so had chimney cake. A bread covered in sugar and walnuts, nagyon finom. I was supposed to save some for her majesty (Miss Vica) but unfortunately her bit was stolen :)


The Chief said...

#1. What's a PG?
#2. Is that just a snack?

Keela said...

PG = Hungarian pronounciation of PJ's
Snack = Yep, just a snack and soooo good.