Friday, March 04, 2005


Its me again and I apologise in advance for my spelling but this is costing me a bloody fortune. So we have arrived in Singapore all dafe and sound after 2 days at sea. 2 days was long enough for me, but I have good news. Its boiling! Its more than boiling, yesterday on the deck it was 37 degrees in the shade. Today we are just 85km from the equator and its even hotter than yesterday.

Today we had a full day off a battlefields tour followed by a singapore sling at Raffles Hotel. I love Singapore and its also going on my list of places to come back to. Its a odd island though. The street signs are american looking, the cars drive on the same side as england, the number plates are the same as england, you get fined for J walking, fined for spitting, fined for dropping litter, fined for making excessive noise :) We felt 'naughty' when we J walked but you have to break the rules sometimes.

Tomorrow we are off to Kuala Lumpur when I will be writing again.


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