Saturday, March 05, 2005


Today was invasion of the yellow stickers into Malaysia. We docked an hours coach journey from Kuala Lumpur so we were all given yellow stickers to wear on our person and sent out to Kuala Lumpur. What we didn't bank on was not being able to walk anywhere, we got 5 taxis in the space of half aday! The first taxi journey wasn't as successful as we had hoped. As there are six of us we needed two of them and asked to go to the railway station. Me, mum and dad went to the old one (I hasten to add the right one) and aunty, cous cous and jo went to the new one. An hour later we were reunited.

China town was quite a site. Its a covered market and not for the faint hearted. Our next taxi ride took us to the Petronas towers which are the second highest building in the world. The highest being in Taiwan. However, its the highest twin tower. We went half way up and across the sky tower for an amazing view. But the best view was from the KL tower (another taxi ride) which is the forth largest free standing structure. The biggest being the CN tower. We even got to pass another tallest (in another cab) and that was the higest flagpole in the world. Wooohooo!

So now we are back on board for a day before Phuket, I'm off to play shuffleboard!

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