Monday, March 02, 2015

A storm has begun

Throughout the night, the waves got higher and the boat got more rocky. Wake up call at 5am for Deception Island. It takes a long time to dress for Antarctica, this time I had the additional layer of a swimsuit. You have to picture me sat waiting at 5:15 wearing swimsuit, thermals, trousers, waterproof trousers, thermal top, fleece. Then the announcement. Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing between 9-10 on the Beaufort scale which means storm. Level 13 is hurricane! So unfortunately we couldn’t dock, instead we will continue to South Georgia.

So, as we said goodbye to Antarctica, most of the boat was sea sick again, which means empty meal times in the restaurant. In the morning we had a lecture on living in Antarctica, nap, lunch, film on Shackleton, second nap, whale lecture, food, editing video on the observation desk and then sleep. Days at sea are really broken up by the lectures but I hope my body doesn’t expect a morning nap and afternoon nap when at home. I am however looking forward to not having nose bleeds due to the severe cold. In the evening we passed Elephant Island where Shackleton left some of his men, although we only could see a little of the island through the fog.

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