Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Spectacular show of the Northern Lights

What a surreal night. We watched Skyfall and then before bed, had a peak out the window, the Northern Lights were building. Kitted up, we went outside to watch them. Oh my gosh, it was the best we have ever seen them. They were waving across the sky, chopping and changing constantly. With no light pollution around, it was perfect. The American’s who are building a lodge close by, joined us for the show, with their many beers. They start work at 7am, finish at 10pm and between that time, they drink…with no days off.
Luckily, the workers were off at the crack of dawn so we had the gorgeous house to ourselves. I sat in the hot tub admiring the view of the Arctic sea. All hot water is taken from the natural geothermal spring on the hill close by. We could see the steam coming off of the spring. A morning hot tub was divine.

On with our journey and around the rest of the troll mountains, passing lots of skiing fields and lots of tunnels through the mountains. One village even had a ski jump! We arrived early to catch our ferry to Hrisey, an island North of Akureyi. We previously flew over this gorge when we got the small plane to Grimsey. It only took 15 mins on the ferry and we were there. We were in for a treat, puffins and eider ducks greeted us when we docked. We walked to our holiday home and found 6 Ptarmigan! Pure white and fluffy.
We thought we would do the island walk and followed the trail for a little while before it was impassable. The snow was so deep, we were falling about all over the place, so instead decided to walk to the lighthouse. Which is walking almost the entire length of the island (7.5km long). So, a very hearty walk through deep snow, with nothing and nobody around. Just us, in the middle of a fjord, on an island, just off the Arctic Circle. Bliss.

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