Sunday, March 20, 2016

Almost all family birthdays in one day

In summary, on Hayden's birthday, we finally revealed Mum's surprise 60th birthday present, and then went to the Bond in Motion exhibition, which was Dad's birthday present. The only one we didn't celebrate was my birthday, which was actually my half year birthday. Mum was so shocked at her gift. Bond in Motion was surprisingly really interesting. I didn't know what to expect, especially because I haven't seen the recent Bond films. The exhibition was fabulous. Dad and I had an audio guide to talk us through the different cars and clips from the films.

Then, something that Mum and I raved about, a trip to the London Transport Museum. Mum and I spent a long time in there last time, but this time found so much more that we hadn't discovered last time. I'm glad I have a year pass to enter the museum, there is so much to see.

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