Saturday, March 03, 2012

Brampton Wood and a pair of blue tits

Brampton Wood is the second largest ancient woodland in Cambridgeshire (+900 years old). I do love a bit of free parking. The car park has space for about 10 cars, but it's better than nothing and just of the A1, it's quite handy from St Neots. We followed the perimeter walk that took about 1.5 hours, but only saw 4 people on route which is always a bonus. It feels like spring already with the greeness coming back and new life starting. Woodlands vs. country parks means that there is only every one poo bin in woodlands and you don't have the amenities of country parks, but it's nice to be in a desserted wood, just us, the trees and the mud. It was only at the end of the walk, while following the tail on my iphone that we found a hut at the start of the walk containing leaflets and maps. Link

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