Monday, January 01, 2007

Hungarian, British and Azorian New Year

How many people celebrate the Hungarian, British and Azorian new year in one night? Well I do! Hungary at 11am, British at midnight and Azores at 1am. The night started with a mad panic on what to wear. Maybe the new years resolution should be to be more organised in my private life. People at work think I'm super organised, I think not :) This new year had a strange sense of Deja vu and there was a good reason for this - we did the same thing last year! I kid you not, we did the exact same thing. The first song that the Abba tribute band played was the same song. Its quite sad when you can say that there were party poppers last year, that man was here last year....This year has a major change, no alcohol! Aunty and Cous Cous were ill and I had to drive so my mother and father drank for all of us :)

We had dinner in the hotel and I really can't tell you what it tastes like. It was supposed to be chicken tikka but I could not taste chicken or tikka. We were sat at a table with 5 strangers. I wonder what they thought about my families napkin folding competition after dinner. I made a game and pirates hat. Cous Cous made a hammer which looked more like a napkin with a knot in it but it was the thought that counts. Father made a bra and mickey mouse ears :)

At 11am we celebreated Hungarian New Year with a toast to our Hungarian family. Dancing follwed and then it was time for the countdown to new year and mass hugging and Auld Langs Aine and for the first time in my life - I KNEW THE WORDS!!!! Thank you google.

I made it home just in time to celebrate the Azores new year at 1am with Al. Btw, Al isn't from the Azores but it convieniently celebrates new year at 1am. Alas I wasn't awake to celebrate Canadian new year with Portsmouth at 5am. A Happy New Year to all.

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