Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy 30th Birthday Al

Today was Al's official birthday. Unofficial birthday is the other 2 days of this weekend that we have been out celebration.. A weekend of lovely meals starting with Indian on Friday with my family. Chinese on Saturdau with Al's friends and then thai on Sunday with our Sunday lunch club.

And what would a 30 year old do for her birthday day? Go to a kiddies park :) I kid you not. We went to Blaise castle for a play in the playground after Sunday lunch. I haven't been on a roundabout for quite a while but god it makes you dizzy. You have to imagine this. Rae, Al and I in a kiddies playground surrounded by children. Rae and I holding onto the roundabout for dear life and Al pushing us around and around.

Al really enjoyed her birthday but it doesn't stop there. Al is going to have the longest birthday I've ever known with a year's worth of activities I've organised. Unfortunately one activity involves climbing a hill :(


Anonymous said...

I hope that we will be invited to any future outings to blaise!

Anonymous said...

how old