Saturday, February 25, 2012

Alone in Monks Wood, Cambridgeshire

If you haven't looked on the Natural England website, then you are missing out. They have so many great walks. Todays visit was to Monks Wood, Cambridgeshire, a nature reserve. And as it's just you and parking fee. The instructions tell you to park in a layby close to the entrance but alas you can only get 3 cars on there...but as there were only 4 of us in the woods, we were fine.

A wide range of tree and shrub species are found in the reserve, including field maple, aspen, hawthorn, hazel, guelder rose, wayfaring tree, spindle, privet, blackthorn and dogwood. We followed the butterfly trail but alas, we are a bit early. It took about an hour to walk around, and we only saw one other dog the entire time. It was a bit soggy under foot but it felt very natural, no playgrounds, no cafe area...but the compromise is no poo bins so guess what Ali had to carry all the way around the walk.

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