Saturday, November 12, 2011

Shackells visit Cambridge

We love welcoming people to St Neots and look forward to the point when we aren't taking people on a day trip that we don't have a clue about. This time we went to Cambridge and took the park and ride with the family, without a map but we followed our noses to a craft fair, then managed to walk through one of the amazing university campuses without paying the entry fee and spent the majority of time watching people punting, for that one person that missed their footing and went sploosh. The variety of passengers were interesting, from the person with way too much money who had a punt and guide to themselves, to the people on a date, to the 12 people filled boats of Asian tourists. We do love Cambridge, and in the autumn, it really showed off it's colours. A bit of shopping in the market where all of my family decided I don't suit hats so I've gone for comedy value with a hat with ears, and then it was time to leave. Trouble is, the next people we take there, we won't be able to find our way again so it will be a whole new experience.

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