Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nun on a bike in Exmoor

First day of British Summer time and I didn't know the clocks went forward! So our early morning start for Exmoor was not so early. The contrast in drive to Dartmoor and Exmoor is quite amazing when you do it over 2 days. Exmoor is much more built upon and less undulating than Dartmoor. We drove through Dunster, passing the yarn market and then Ali went up Prolock Hill for the first time in her life, a 1:4 gradient :) Unfortunately the motorbike in front couldn't get up the steepest part so we almost had an accident. I've been to Lynmouth many a time, and on the cliff railway. We had a cream tea in Lynton for starters, then fish and chips while escorting the car so we didn't get another car ticket. On the drive home we saw a very surreal thing, a nun speeding down a hill on a bike! Something that will stay with me for a while.

What a couple of days, a very fond farewell to Devon. We have loved living in Devon, our first home.

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