Sunday, July 28, 2019

Iceland - Birthday eve

I could get used to this type of holiday. After breakfast, Reyka needed a nap, so we did the same. I love that the check out time for most places in Iceland is 11am. We drove to a petting zoo close to Hella. It wasn’t extensive and to be honest, we found it a little strange. We could hold the kittens and rabbits but they were in cages so we got a bit confused as to whether we just let them out? Sadly Reyka fell head first on the gravel, so we made a sharp exit because her head was bleeding.

We made a quick stop in Selfoss for some new shoes for Reyka because I’m convinced it’s the shoes fault. I also forgot to bring her hat to Iceland and found one in the shop. Silly me didn’t look at the price and went and paid £40 for a warm hat for a baby! Lesson learned.

On we drove to Hotel Rangá, the place where Ali proposed, where we were married and where we went for our first anniversary. This was our 6th visit. We arrived super early at 3pm and was going to drop the bags and go visiting. However, they told us that because it’s Reyka’s birthday, they would like to upgrade us to the Antarctica suite! It’s the best room in the hotel, where we stayed at the wedding, and so us! I cried when the receptionist told us!

When we got into the room, I was jumping up and down. There was lots of space for Reyka to explore, I could have multiple jacuzzi’s in the room and use our own nespresso maker! The thing about HOtel Rangá is all of the little touches. For example, roses in the room, a card wishing Reyka happy birthday, the owner speaking to us over dinner. In fact, he had just arrived and made a bee line for us. We’ve spoken to him during every stay and he remembers our wedding. Hotel Rangá feels so homely, it’s like we have never been away.

Overnight - Hotel Rangá

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