Wednesday, January 23, 2019

King's College Chapel, Cambridge

Since starting Shared Parental Leave, I've vowed to get out and about. Today I visited King's College Chapel in Cambridge. It's not really Ali's thing, so off Reyka and I went on the park and ride to Cambridge. First some shopping to spend Christmas vouchers and then Nando's for lunch.

A quick stop at the plaque of Alan Turing on the way to King's. £9 for the ticket, which is an annual ticket if you gift aid the fee. So, Reyka and I can go again and again. We read that Scholars have very generous Scholarships to attend King's (14 men and 2 organ Scholars). They board and are equired to sing five days of the week, as well as their usual studies. Famous Scholars include Alan Turing and Rupert Brooke.

We watched Carols at Kings on the TV this year, so it was great to stand in the choir and marvel at the amazing wood carving and stained glass windows. A great museum about Henry VI and Henry VII. Including something I didn't know about Greyhounds. They are one of the royal emblems, similar to the Red Rose, Portcullis or Red Dragon. Greyhounds were used as an emblem back to the days of Edward III.

I spend a long time sat in the nave looking at the vaulted ceiling. It's a wonder.

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