Sunday, March 09, 2014

Moonwalk training: Grafam water

The start of our Moonwalk training and a 9 mile walk around Grafham Water. The car park was absolutely rammed with people, camper vans, people say on picnic chairs with their thermos, next to their cars. It's the first sunny day of the year and everyone was at Graham. We went counter clock wise and hadn't realised how many inclines the track around Grafham Water had, but we found out. For the whole 3 hours, we had bike after bike after bike. The track was great, but we had to go single file because of the number of people and bikes, which spoilt it a little. At mile 5, I needed a break to fix my blistered feet. Luckily, the walk after the break was completely flat so we definitely went the right way around the lake but gosh our muscles were happy to see the car again. £3 car park fee.

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