Saturday, April 07, 2012

Waresley Wood and irresponsible dog owners

It's such a shame that irresponsible dog owners and a view of the neighbouring sewerage works kind of distorts our thoughts of Waresley Woods. It's actually really nice when you get through the gates, with a carpet of bluebells, snowdrops and primrose. It feels like spring is just around the corner. There are also organised blue bell walks courtesy of the Wildlife Trust. The Woods have a huge gravel car park, and one central muddy footpath with many footpaths off of it so you can easily get lost and not see a single person for quite a while which is refreshing. I'm just trying to forget the number of poo bags at the entrance of the woods, despite the many signs. A must for blubell sightings.


Anonymous said...

The single thing that has ruined the woods in the past 40 years is the ownership of the woods by the nature trust. Prior to this the paths were as little as a foot wide, now they are trampled to a width of 6 to 8 feet or more. The best Oxslips used to be along the path near the brook, especially the eastern end. These too have been trampled and have gone. Some lovely Oxslips were at the eastern end of the main ride.The trust decided to cut down some trees along the ride and wisely placed the trimmings in the exact same spot.More Oxslips lost.The brook used to meander through the centre of the woods. It still does, but the increasing number of children play in it and build dams which have completely changed the character of the brook. IN the past everybody could jump across the brook, now we have to have little bridges to help us over.
And you do not wish me to start on the trees that the trust have needlessly cut down in their warped vision of conservation.

Keela said...

That's really sad to hear, I had no idea. Unfortunately, I don't think we will be visiting again and would prefer to drive onto other woods in the area. With a little more care, it could be really good.