Wednesday, January 12, 2011

It's tradition

One of my favourite days of the year, the day when Matthew and I visit London. This was our last trip as Matthew will be moving to London so we had a tradition filled evening to go out in style. The evening started in usual fashion of randomness when Matthew didn't have a suit, tie, shoes of cufflinks. We managed to find a tie and cufflinks at Tie Rack after rumaging through a box of discounted cufflinks, on the floor at one of the busiest stations in Britain. It's traidition that I book the hotel, the St Giles hotel this time and to be honest, we have had nicer. I've never been to a hotel that has an ironing room!

While at the launch, we networked while waiting patiently for the company logo to appear on the screen. However, as we only had 7 seconds to all get there and take the photo, we ended up having Goldman Sachs instead. It's traditional to then eat at Satsuma in Soho so at 10pm, we started dinner, ordered for us traditionally by Lisa. Then traditionally it was the friendly society, traditionally not finding GAY-late and walking around Soho trying to find it, and traditionally getting into GAY-late wearing ridiculously smart clothing. Simon was his usual magnet, at one point I was his family member, girlfriend and wife. Simon had a message for Matthew put on the screen and we ended the night linking arms singing New York in the streets of soho.

The end of the night finished in a non traditional style, Simon Ironed and Matthew and I watched. Classy :)

Best 4 years, loved the tradition, the gangsta shrimp, but now it has come to an end.

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