Saturday, July 24, 2010

Engagement BBQ

After explaining to Ali the format of traditional english weddings, heated words in the car in Iceland, we agreed to have an engagement party...but with a twist. Aunty kindly agreed to letting us take over her garden as we have 4 inches of balcony space and mum and dad have a yard so Aunty's was our only option. As we approached Aunty's, we saw the sign on the road to 'Keela and Ali's party, turn left'. Oh Aunty :)

With a car full of food, we set up ready for 26 close friends and family. We had a BBQ, played pass the parcel, Pinata and made people eat all day long. Sal was in charge of decorations and painted an incredibly long 'Congratulations Ali and Keela' and even though we said no gifts, we were spoilt rotten with vouchers, a plant and money from Ali's mum, two engraved glasses from my family, photobook, photo album, an overnight stay and dinner in a gorgeous hotel!!!! We were well and truly treated but it was so nice to see everyone in the same place. Ali's dad has an epic journey from Essex that took 6 hours and he greeted my dad 'you're not lisa'. A quote that will go down in history.

Roll on December 2012!

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