Sunday, January 10, 2010

Annual trip to London

I look forward to our annual night out in London but this ears must be the most random. The evening started with Matthew polishing his shoes in the reception and people thinking he was the concierge and asking him things about the hotel. In addition, our foyer was taken over by lingerie models in a photoshoot, i kid you not.

Simon and I had one of those freaky experiences when Matthew asked for a pen, we both drew our pens at the same time and they were both Herbert Smith, freaky. I'm not sure why we are always the last to leave these events, but we usually are.

Dinner in Satsuma as usual where i tried avocado and kiwi juice, suprisingly nice. The evening went slightly downhill then though when we went to the Friendly society and i discovered the pull of simon's charm as he was preyed on for the rest of the evening. In the Village we didn't get frisked this time but we did have our annual wonder around to find GAY late as we can never find it. On the walk home, we found some great steps to sing sound of music but didn't realise the bus stop next door with a huge audience. A wine nightcap and then to bed, as the buses had just started in London again at 4:30am.

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