Saturday, August 05, 2006

One civil partnership, two broken chairs

Today Rae and Julie tied the knot :) I'm so happy for them. We drove up to Powys on the Friday and visited Ironbridge en route. Rae and Jue were married in Welshpool registry office and I was the witness. Emotion got the better of me and spelling and signing my name was a struggle. How I got through uni, nobody knows...Back to the house, we walked around the grounds while photo's were being taken and had hog roast for lunch. Oh what a good vegetarian I am. I loved the whole day, it was so chilled and relaxed. So Rae and Jue. Over coffee, I recieved a gift for being a witness. What else by the Bristol version of Monopoly and a book commenting on what should happen if you hit a jellyfish with a spade. I shall let you know.

There was a theme of the day...broken chairs. Phil and Marina sat on the swing chair and down they fell. Half of Phil's red wine went over his shirt and trousers. Luckily I looked over and out came the camera (I forgot about helping them first). I tried to hide and take piccies becuase I didn't want to draw attention to them but then Rae found out. We stood and watched them, had a giggle and out came 'its not all bad, I got pictures' :)

We even turned into a nursery at one point when I was holding Archie while Al held Aimee (Rae's Neice). I'm ever so slightly (ok hugely) broody at the mo.

I do believe that Rae and Jue had the best idea in the whole world for entertainment...A BOUNCY CASTLE. As soon as we finished lunch, we were bouncing away. One tip, remember what your mother says and make sure your food settles first. Also, don't bounce with Rae and Phil. I spent more time on my bum than bouncing. You have to imagine this...white skirt, corsage, make up and hair done and bouncing on a castle!!! However, I didn't have a change of clothes! Needless to say, we had an audience. I even commented that I had to get off the castle elegantly but Rae and Phil had other ideas. Instead I exited with my legs in the air :) Bouncy castles are more knackering than I remember. The picture you should now have in your head is a very bedraggled, hair all over the place, corsage hanging off and skirt tucked in pants. Oh, I like to make an impression at a wedding (Amanda and Phil could testify).

I really don't learn quickly becuase I was back on the bouncy castle with Mollie (Rae's other neice) only 15 minutes later.

I told you that broken chairs were the theme of the day. Broken chair number two resulted in Rae's father (Ray) doing vertical freefall through no fault of his own. He neither jumped nor moved. Mid conversation, he ended up on the floor with legs in the air and a chair that was completely in peices. Julies father quickly refused to take out the splinters :)

The drink was well and truly flowing at this point and phil started his pendulum dance. Well, so did the rest of the group too. It consists of hands raised and waving from side to side by the waist while in a circle around a handbag. The handbag didn't stay on the floor for long, soon Phil was modelling it to everybody (including the owner). Piggy time was next when Rae jumped on phil's back and progressed to chase Julie around the stereo...why? I don't know :)

Pictures can be found on

Its so nice to see such great friends tie the knot. I will never forget such a wonderful day. Thanks Rae and Jue for letting us share your special day. xxx

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