Saturday, August 06, 2005

"Proud to be gay"

I know Brighton isn't strictly out of the UK but still, I think it consititutes travelling and I just need to share the day. The day started very very early with a 7am bus to London, followed by an hours train journey to Brighton. On said train i came out with the statement 'i've never seen so many gay people on one train', I spoke too soon. I did wonder what the old couple in front of us was thinking as they tucked into their foil wrapped sandwiches and tea in a flask :)

The first 'new experience' of the day was the parade - three floats playing 'its raining men'...3 with 'reach for the stars' and the last float playing 'ymca'...dancing in the street...waving flags...a random man in a very small pair of pants kissing my cheek...drag queens that towered over me...bubbles flying....the gay police fire bridage paramedics estate agents...and my favourite...the gay camping and caravan club.

The atmosohere was amazing and my favourite was a little boy walking hand in hand with his mother, he was dressed in a wizard outfit and on his shoulder was a flag saying 'proud to be gay'.
After the parade we walked along in the parade dancing to YMCA and then off to the Royal Pavillion with rainbow flag tucked on my side :) The Royal Pavillion is a must and quite a difference from what was going on outside. Outside the Pavillion is based on Indian architecture and inside is decorted in chinese design, bizarre.

We walked along Brighton Pier with its arcade games and rides (still with flag tucked in the side of skirt:)) and then had a paddle in the freezing cold english channel and glorious pebble beach. Oh I do like to be beside the seaside :)

Preston Park was quite a sight, a very very large park and again....I had never seen so many gay people in one place. I don't know why this shocked me, we were at gay pride!!!!! :) Music...stalls...rainbows in stands...and lots and lots of people.

All in all, I loved Brighton Pride and would recommend it to everybody. I'm going to get on my soapbox now but the little boy with the flag almost made me cry...I know the pro's and con's of children growing up in a gay relationship but this was a little boy walking hand in hand with his mum, he was obviously not forced to do so and not ashamed to carry his flag.

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