Sunday, April 03, 2016

Northern Lights at Lake Myvatn

We waited patiently, then at 10:30, the green lights started to build from the North. Luckily, our room faces that was so we stood in the warm as long as we could, then on with 5 layers to go outside and witness the best Northern Lights we have ever seen. Luckily, the time waiting for them was well spent researching how to photograph the Northern Lights. They were so bright and exactly as people describe, it's like green curtains waving in the sky. At one point when they were directly overhead, the whole sky lit up green, it was as though someone had switched the light on! I can't believe how bright they were, we were so incredibly luckily to have such a clear and cold night to see them. Number 3 on the Aurora scale, we have only ever seen level 2. Imagine what level 9 is like! After and hour, I was frozen to the core and had to go back inside. We propped ourselves up in bed and watched them from our window. What a show.


Jacqui said...

Amazing pics. I'm green with envy!!

Keela said...

He he, thanks. What nobody tells you about photographing them is that they happen on the coldest night possible. I was like an ice block, but wanted just one more picture :)