Friday, April 01, 2016

Ali goes for a swing on her birthday in Iceland

Our morning started with trimming up our room with birthday bunting and Ali wearing her birthday badge to open her cards and gifts. Breakfast in a bakery down the road for coffee and cakes. Ali planned her whole birthday. We started at Kjarnaskogur, a lovely forest for a walk. Cross country skiers passed us, as we walked through the snowy forest full of Christmas trees. We were nowhere near the path we thought we were on, but luckily we found our way back, via the playground for a bit of a swing. The paths have street lights which is unusual and wouldn’t happen in the UK.
We went to the rendez vous for our skimobile tour but alas because of the wind today, it couldn’t go ahead. This is the second time this has happened, the last time was the day after the wedding. Sometimes, it’s just not meant to be. We may try again tomorrow. Instead, we went back to the museum we visited and got rushed out of yesterday. We bought a book and was allowed to look around the rest of the exhibits that we missed. We walked around the Akureyri exhibit, talking about local light, fishing and had a dressing up box. We wouldn’t resist.

Needing a sugar rush, we then ventured to a local ice cream parlour which uses milk instead of cream, so it must be healthy. Maybe without the hot caramel sauce that we added on the top of chocolate ice cream. We then went to the Christmas House, which has Christmas all year around. It’s rather strange to go into a house with a real fire, Christmas songs and Christmas decorations everywhere. It was strangely lovely and cheery. Santa’s coat was on the line outside and there was a miniature elf house in the garden.
Soon the be going out for Ali’s birthday dinner and off to taste local beers in a local brewery.

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