Friday, October 28, 2011

The secret is revealed

After a year in the preparation, the secret is out, 2 weeks in Ecuador and the galapagos islands. After a traumatic night where we went to bed at 8am for our 3 o'clock wake up call, we were rudely awoken at 10pm by the fire alarm. Anyone that has been to bed before 9 will know that you wake up thinking it's maybe 1 or 2, so there were quite a few grumbles and then it was 3am in a cold, dark heathrow hotel. Onto the hotel hoppa but little did I know that the flight wouldn't be open yet so it was time to reveal the secret. I told Ali the flight time, and she yelled we were going to madrid...then asked if it's in Portugal ;) then I said she needs some books so passed her parcel. She opened and the glazed expression meant she didn't believe we were going to galapagos, her dream destination. No fear, I recorded the whole lot for the holiday DVD. She remained shocked for ove an hour and didn't quite believe me until I showed he the literature, then it was onto departures. We are currently starbucking by Harrods food hall, not too excite about the 14 hour flight bit the adventure begins here :)


Anonymous said...

I would be happy just having the starbucks!!

Anonymous said...

Ali, you lucky thing! Keela, Great surprise! Have a brill time!