Saturday, October 08, 2011

Caroline and Peter White

The second in our group of friends to get married, and then Caroline and Peter only got engaged this year so they pipped us to the post and Ali and I will now be number 3. Although, they have been together for over 10 years. The years just fell away as we discussed PE knickers, the new school uniform, the demolition of the old school, previous boyfriends of Alison...It was as though time stood still. Caroline looked so regal in her emerald green dress in Ye Olde Bank of England on fleet street. The wedding was so them, so laid back and relaxed, with the hardest quiz ever, we needed Caroline in our team. In her fathers speech he mentioned the rivalry between Caroline and Phil McGowen as they were both the most intelligent in the year. Unfortunately I think having caroline on our team might have been cheating somewhat. People were rather reluctant to catch the bouquet, so I nabbed Alison and she only went and caughtSo, another friend married, I've never seen her so happy.

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