Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Musings of a commuter - people watching at Kings Cross

As someone addicted to travel, I feel travelling is something I do everyday, it's about keeping your eyes open to your surroundings and that's exactly what I do, on trains. On a late Wednesday evening, I had an hour to kill and the only thing available (apart from eating) was people watching by the photobooth, a very popular photobooth. Having not been in a photobooth for many years, I'm rather surprised by the number of people using it at Kings Cross, and the weirdest bit, they take credit card. Long gone are the days of putting £2 in.

As I sat between two men on the bench, I could just feel their negativity to me being there. The masses wandered past me, and you could really tell that the season is changing, the clothes are so mismatched. You have some wearing autumn clothes, some in summer and both regretting what they chose to wear this morning.

Across from me is the girl waiting for her date, you can tell as her eyes are fixed on the tube exit. There are the suits who are yawning as they walk after a long day at the office, there are the tourists that never know where to go and get in the way of the suits but I'm always amazed by the amount of luggage people carry, mounds of it. One day, watch people and see how much luggage we carry around.

A man walked past me in his clip clop shoes and I wonder that If I was a man, would I have clip clop shoes? And yes, i think I would, puts fun into walking. And then it of my hates...couples canoodling and the worse bit was they sat next to me so there was no avoiding it. Time to go.

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