Sunday, April 28, 2013

London Duck Tour - Quack Quack

Something I've been wanted to do for a while is the London Duck Tour. You see the distinctive yellow vehicles driving around Westminster, so we boarded. We did the classic sightseeing tour, through Westminster, Buckingham Palace, Green Park, then to Vauxhall Bridge to enter the water. The girls were screaming as we entered the water, they loved it!!!! We bobbed along the Thames, passing Millbank Tower. We were on the water for 30 minutes, then back on dry land. Very little leg room for a 6ft tall person, but incredibly fun. However, it's £23 per person. Little information on the tour, but that's not what it's about, it's about riding in a vehicle from the D-Day landings and being in an anphibious vehicle. The girls absolutely loved it, so much, that after we visited Hamleys and they could have been in a supermarket for how much they enjoyed it, they were just shattered.


Jay at The Depp Effect said...

Oh, I've seen those yellow duck vehicles too, and thought they might be fun. We did the red bus tour, when a friend came over from the US, and I'm glad we did because the commentary was excellent.

Still want to do the ducks one day though!

Keela said...

Hi, it was great fun, although you don't get as much commentary as the red buses, but it's the novelty :)