Sunday, February 12, 2012

Walking the ice at Barnwell Park, Northamptonshire

Barnwell Park in the Nene Valley, just outside Peteborough has 15 hectares of meadow, rivers and lakes. £2:50 for car park, this well managed country park has abundant poo bins, always a dog owners treat. We walked around the outside of the riverside walk, luckily they had a great pdf map on their website. Trouble was that it has now gone above freezing point, which means all of the snow is turning to slush and ice so we didn't see much on the walk as we had to watch our feet. The circular walk is only a mile long, past multiple frozen lakes. We did the inner route too, past an amazing adventure playground. Until last month the park had a full time shop, but cut backs has meant it has closed it's doors. But it was very pleasant, they have lots of things to do such as nature trails. One problem, it's a long way to go for only an hours walk. But on the way back we found an interesting place name to add to the list - lazy acre.

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