Saturday, November 05, 2011

Galapagos islands – giant Tortuga roaming free and lonesome George, the last of the species.

Our penultimate day in ‘the last paradise’, and it really is. Where else do animals not flinch when you go near them and where the population respects the environment so much, they keep it pristine. The morning started with an unusual sight, of land and houses. Every day we have been so isolated away from people and life, it has just been us, the animals and the natural environment that it was hard to comprehend seeing people again. We visited the Charles Darwin research station, although it felt more like a zoo than a research place. We saw the different types of giant tortoises and the baby ones. We also saw the famous lonesome George, the last of his species, a $10,000 reward is up for grabs if you find him a make. Then a bit of shopping in the main hub on Santa Cruz island, then back on the zodiac for an art and jewellery exhibition.

Our last afternoon trip was to see giant tortoises in the while. On route we walked though a huge lava tunnel, saw a barn owl sleeping and then onto the ranch to see the tortoises roaming free. We passed so many on the way, including one that wanted to walk along the road instead of the grassland, however the impatient truck wanting to pass ended up in the ditch. We walked through a meadow of over 20+ giant tortoises that didn’t flinch when you came close. You were even allowed to put on one of the shells. I’m still amazed that the tortoises backbone is welded to it’s shell, on the cartoons a tortoise could take it’s house off and on. It really was a fantastic end to the holiday.

Back on board for an excellent slideshow of the trip, our last supper and bed very tired. Ali watched the sharks before bed.

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