Friday, October 05, 2007

Nelson Mandela's Island

I had a brainwave to walk to the waterfront from our hotel and told Jo that it would only take 30 minutes. 1 hour late, we arrive! We took a boat to Robben Island and went on a bus tour around the island. The dogs had bigger cages than the inmates cells. We were sound around the prisin by a prisioner who was there for 9 years. I didn't quite know how I felt about that becuase it was like some kind of torture to relive that every day but as he explained, he was there for peace, not hatred. Nelson Mandela's cell was tiny.

In the afternoon we shopped and then went out for our last meal in South Africa. A brave choice, a South African resturant that had no body dining but gosh did we go for the right choice.

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