Monday, March 06, 2006

Rainbow's :)

What a start to the day, waffles with maple syrup and peanut butter on toast. This breakfast may be repeated a few more times over the trip. Andrew dropped me off on South Beach after we drive down Ocean Drive. The first plan of attack was to put my feet in the ocean so shoes off, over powdery white sand and into the turquoise blue sea. Heaven.

I joined a duck tour, an amphibious vehicle that drives on the road and goes in the sea. We passed many millionaires houses on Star Island, the most expensive belonging to the doctor of a pharmaceutical company, the house is worth $50 million. The art deco style of South beach with its pastel colours and shelves windows is quite unique. No matter what the building, it has to be art deco.

After 90 minutes of sitting down I had the ridiculous thought that I wanted to walk in the midday sun. So don't be fooled by distance in the US, its a very very very long way between blocks. I eventually got to the Holocaust memorial. For the third time in a year I have got goose pimples from such atrocities. Auschwitz, Berlin and now Miami is quite humbling to say the least. The sculptures are amazing but the pictures are more explicit than Auschwitz.

I decided to have Cuban food for lunch at David's cafe. Rice and pea, spicy chicken, fish and watermelon. What mad it Cuban, I'm not sure. I did have coke with my ice though. Why do we need so much ice in the cup????

After lunch I thought it was time to burn some calories, I didn't get far before I ate the biggest ice-cream of my life. A double scoop Cookie dough and butter pecan chocolate dipped waffle cone. It took me 20 minutes to eat as I walked through the residential district to Spanish village.

Time to relax, and what better place than South beach with its cool breeze and warm sun on my back while watching the passers by. What did amuse me were the beach flags. Like the flags that say that you can swim or not, there were two rainbow flags and in between, the highest density of gay men I've seen outside Brighton Pride.

South Beach impressed me so much than I'm going back tomorrow. By the way, if you want to know where Santa is after Christmas, he is on South Beach under a tree and rides a bike. I kid you not, full Santa suit and hat. The man dressed in a pink cat suit coming out of the ladies toilets confused me enough to almost go into the men's :)

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