Thursday, March 10, 2005

Day at sea

I'm writing this 180 miles off the coast of Sri Lanka, We arrive tomorrow moring. Its absolutely boiling hot and we have had 2 days at sea and to be honest its more than enough for me and my family have started to say 'go find a friend' or 'go have fun somewhere else'. I have been to a letcure on massage, a lecture on perfume and even watched a samba class!

Last night was fantastic. The entertainmentr was in the form of a british pub night. Jo and I put our names in a hat to go in for the horse race, and Jo got picked and won a bottle of bubbly, our third! And because I was shouting too loudly an elderly gentleman made me do a barn dance with 20 other couples who knew the dance! I never had a clue and they all knew it!

I have re-read Thailand and missed an important bit out. They asked for volunteers and my hand was first to go up, I never even knew what for. I was told to lie face down on a carpet by the elephant who then progressed to walk towards me. What went through my head was 'oh god, could I take the weight of an elephant'! dah! I had an elephant massage, he tapped me on the back with his foot while he slobbered my face with his trunk. The 3 people after me were fine as they didn't have all of the mud from his trunk, oh no, I had it all over my white shirt! Oh god, it was so slobbery (I know its not a word, I have just invented it:))

So anyway, I'm off to photograph my milllionth sunset from the pointy end of the ship (still don't know the difference between port and stern, aft and something else:))

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